Category Archives: HIV Social Media

Limerick — Adherence

Take all your medications as prescribed
95 percent adherence you should strive.
Your viral load will go down
And your CD4 will rebound
That’s how we keep stayin’ alive.

Slide show from Provider’s Meeting

Here is that presentation from the meeting on Friday. Feel free to use the charts and graphs for your own awesome powerpoint prezzys.

CD4 infographic!

Here is a nice little graphic about CD4 from to describe how CD4 cells impact your body’s health.

National HIV Testing Day — Wednesday!

Wednesday! is National HIV Testing Day! The CDC estimates that 1 of 5 (21%) of all HIV positive folks do not know their status (gadzooks!). Here is a little diagram that talks about the infection in our area. The data are from 2010 — that is why the numbers are a little low.

Fri-data links

Here are some neat data related links for this fine Friday:

  1. This is a game that involves a map and health indicators. See how good you are at predicting smoking rates, obestiy and other health indicators based upon geographic location, poverty rates and life expectancy.
  2. Data Vis:
  3. Saving money with vaccines

Happy Friday!

Pos or not: Think you can tell if someone has HIV?

Check out This is a great game about HIV stigma. Does HIV have a look? This is a great way to make us think about our preconceived images we have about PLWHA. There is also an app!

Foursquare, Starbucks, and (Red) launched check-in campaign and raised $250,000 for HIV prevention


From June 1st – 10th, (RED) teamed up with foursquare for (RED)RUSH to put your social media actions to work in the fight against AIDS. For 10 days, Starbucks contributed $1 on every check-in at Starbucks stores in the US & Canada – up to $250,000 – and we hit our goal 2 days early! Thank you!

in+care Campaign video

This is a great little short about keeping clients in care.

How a virus can change the world

Have you ever seen a virus wearing a sombrero and a mustache?  This is a short from Take Part about how viruses go from being little bitty proteins to worldwide pandemics. The narrator is a fast talker and there is a lot of information, but it is worth watching…